Henry h. Neff
Depuis trois mille ans, les Faeregine règnent sur Impyrium, où les êtres dépourvus de pouvoirs magiques, les muirs, sont des citoyens de seconde zone. Mais les muirs se rebellent et sont prêts à tout pour renverser les Faeregine. Ils pensent avoir trouvé la faille : Hazel, la plus jeune des Faeregine, est dotée de pouvoirs hors-normes... Mais elle est aussi naïve et timide. Gagner sa confiance est un jeu d'enfant pour Hob, un agent de la Confrérie.
La vengeance des muirs semble enfin à portée de main. Pourtant, Hob hésite de plus en plus à porter à Hazel le coup fatal. Et si, en tuant la princesse, il plongeait définitivement l'Empire dans le chaos ?
The world is at the brink of ruin . . . or is it salvation? Astaroth has been weakened, and the demon Prusias is taking full advantage of the situation to create an empire of his own. His formidable armies are on the move, and Rowan is in their sights. Rowan must rely on Max McDaniels and David Menlo and hope that their combined powers can stop Prusias's war machine before it's too late. But even as perils loom, danger stalks their every move. Someone has marked Max for death and no one is above suspicion. Should the assassins succeed, Rowan's fate may depend on little Mina whose abilities are prodigious but largely untested. And where is Astaroth? Has he fled this world or is he biding his time, awaiting his next opportunity? In the Tapestry's fourth book, author-illustrator Henry H. Neff boldly raises the stakes in an epic tale of mankind's struggle to survive in a world now populated by demons and demigods and everything in between!
Rowan has lost the war, and while the Academy works to rebuild, outside its protected walls everything has changed. Astaroth, using the Book of Thoth, has created a world where demons rule, chaos reigns, and humans toil like slaves . . . and worse. Outraged by Rowan's seeming complacency with the new order and reeling from personal tragedy, Max McDaniels sets out on his own for escape, for information, and for revenge. In his travels, he will be forced to become many things: prisoner, gladiator, assassin. But can he become the one thing mankind needs most--a hero? The Tapestry series continues to weave threads of fantasy, mythology, science fiction, and mystery into a wholly original adventure with appeal to fans of everything from Harry Potter to Lord of the Rings to The X-Men. Genre-blending and fully illustrated, The Tapestry novels have caught the attention of middle-grade and young-adult readers alike.
A fast-paced, genre-blending adventure--now in paperback!
The Tapestry series continues to weave threads of fantasy, mythology, science fiction, and mystery into a wholly original adventure that appeals to fans of everything from Harry Potter to Lord of the Rings to The X-Men. Genre-blending and fully illustrated, The Tapestry novels have caught the attention of middle-grade and young adult readers alike--and the series is only getting bigger.
In this second book of the series, grave forces are converging to seize control of the Book of Thoth, a hidden artifact whose pages hold the key to creating--or unraveling--the very threads of existence. Max McDaniels and David Menlo embark on a quest to protect the book from the demon Astaroth, who would exploit its secrets with dire consequence. And with Astaroth free after centuries of imprisonment, the world outside Rowans gates has already become hostile.
Far from home, cut off behind enemy lines, Max and his allies must journey across Europe, descend into the fabled Frankfurt Workshop, brave the tangled corners of the Black Forest . . . and cross beyond the veils of our very world.
"After devouring this title, young fans will be clamoring for more."--Kirkus Reviews
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L'academie rowan - tome 2 le dernier assaut - vol02
Neff Henry H.
- Pocket Jeunesse
- 8 Novembre 2012
- 9782266189248
D'inquiétantes forces s'unissent pour s'emparer du Livre de Thoth, dont les pages détiennent le secret de la création et du mystère de l'existence... Max et David s'embarquent dans une quête périlleuse pour protéger le livre du démon Astaroth. Hors des murs de l'Académie Rowan, le monde est terriblement hostile...
L'academie rowan - tome 1 la tapisserie d'or - vol01
Neff Henry H.
- Pocket Jeunesse
- 3 Novembre 2011
- 9782266189231
La vie de Max bascule le jour où son père l'emmène visiter le musée des Beaux-Arts.
Il s'égare dans les salles et découvre une tapisserie aux pouvoirs étranges. Le lendemain, une lettre de l'Académie Rowan lui parvient : Max est sélectionné pour suivre les cours de cette mystérieuse institution. Plus troublant encore, il échappe de justesse à une tentative d'enlèvement. Max n'est pas au bout de ses surprises. Car Rowan n'a rien, absolument rien, d'une école ordinaire.